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Monday, October 19, 2009

Why divorce?

Why do so many people are getting divorced each and every day?
Why did they have to get married in the first place if it had to end that way?
what happened to the romance and passion they shared when they said:” I do”; and most of all...what happened to the Love?
So many questions; like why I am even writing about this matter since I’ve never been married before?

The pain is real, it’s everywhere; it affects children, family, friends, churches and even society itself.
According to Wikipedia the online encyclopedia; It is estimated that 40% of all marriages have ended in divorce as of 2008, and 46% of them involve a remarriage for one or both spouses. When we think about it...
Why is it so hard for two persons to stay together? Is it because they didn't take enough time to get to know each other before getting involved? Or is it the result of their way of living after getting married? Which doesn't allow them to strengthen their bonds?
Not all marriages fail for the same reason

The most common causes of divorce are said to be:
-poor communication
-financial problems
-lack of commitment to the marriage
-a change in priorities
-unmet needs
-substance abuse
-lack of conflict resolution skills.

As a Christian I believe divorce is mostly the result of bad communication; the absence of a shared vision or goal and adultery. We know that to start a business on good terms one needs to find people who share the same vision in order to build something strong. So we can assume that the same goes to marriage. Both parties have to be on the same page in order to keep on going strong.
For example; it is said that married couples tend to argue about money a lot...or children but what they argue about is not as important as how they argue.
The choice of our spoken words is very important; they can hurt deeply and sometimes it might be just impossible to take it back.

"A gentle answer will calm a person's anger, but an unkind answer will cause more anger" proverbs 15:1.

"Foolish people lose their tempers, but wise people control theirs" proverbs 29:11.

There’s still the problem of adultery.
When we start taking what we have for granted we often start to lose appreciation for it. Someone who finds a good spouse; only to cheat on them later is doing something wrong to their marriage; their other half and to God their creator also...they do not understand the importance of taking that oath to be together through thick and thin as one; since the foundations are weak; everything else just crumbles, slowly but surely, until the only way out seen by the victim is to get out cause they feel like they can't stand it...
Our best option seems to develop an intimate relationship with God and allow him to make his presence felt in
Our life in everything we do....
  I'm still talking from my point of view; and I will gladly appreciate more light and feedback on that matter.

No one understands what his life is all about anyways!


  1. It's a pretty interesting topic. I like it but most of the time, it is easier for us human to say good things than to actually do them. A lot of people say that when they get married, they will do this, they will do that but once they actually get married, everything changes. The only way that our marriage can be and will be a SUCSESS is if we put GOD first.

  2. I really agree with what you wrote. I also like your point of view and how you think.I also think relationships end up bad because GOD is not involved.
